Turning Point Ensemble, founded by its musician members in 2002, is a large chamber ensemble that presents music in innovative contexts across genres and intersecting with multiple art forms. The ensemble concentrates on music from the early 20th century to the present day, and in addition to its regular season of concerts in Vancouver, is active in recording, touring, various modes of digital artistic production, and innovative education programming.
2024-25 Season
Cantus Ensemble – Double Bill
Oct 26 & 27
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Music on Texts of Gertrude Stein
Nov 30 & Dec 1
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TPE Miniature
Feb 22 & 23
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Kaija Saariaho – Notes on Light
May 24 & 25
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TPE in Montreal

I am writing from Montreal following our May 28th Turning Point Ensemble concert at the Salle Pierre Mercure. It was a fulfilling experience to be hosted by Canada’s largest and most historic […]

TPE on Tour – Spain

I am writing from my hotel room in Santander after a rewarding and successful conclusion to our tour with our educational workshop and concert at Centro Botin on Monday, May 22, 2023. […]

TPE on tour – Belgrade

It is Saturday in Belgrade, and we are at the airport on the way to Santander, Spain. First we will fly to Amsterdam, then back to Bilbao, followed by a bus ride […]

TPE on tour – Croatia

Turning Point Ensemble hit the ground running on our European Tour 2023. We left Vancouver on Friday, May 12th with half of us routing through Amsterdam and the other half through Frankfurt […]

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